Women’s Ministry
Motivated solely by the gospel, Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Women in God’s Service (WinGS) exists to assist our Pastor and congregation in nurturing, encouraging and equipping women to faithfully use their God-given gifts to glorify our Lord and Savior.
Beautiful Saviour Lutheran's Women in Gods’ Service (WinGS) will always use Scripture as its guiding principle, has the following objectives:
To serve the Lord gladly
To serve and assist the Pastor of Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Church
To serve and assist the Congregational President
To work together with men to fully understand from Scripture how we are all to serve the Lord
To explore scripturally sound opportunities for service in every calling of life from our homes, to church and to our community
To develop fresh approaches to God-pleasing ministries for women
To offer a variety of venues for communicating and sharing ideas
To encourage our sisters in Christ to be active in the use of their God given talents in service to our Beautiful Saviour congregation, family, community and beyond
To build up our sisters through spiritual growth, which will benefit Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Church
By equipping women, grounded in God’s word will help provide a good foundation for the Women’s Ministry in Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Church
To thank the Lord for the solid foundation of faith and service he has given to us as an example in the many godly men and women in our congregation who’ve gone before us
The ladies meet ten times during the calendar year on the second Saturday of the month. WinGs plans many of the social events of the church. One of the social events they plan is Advent by Candlelight to keep Christ as the center of the Christmas celebration. For more information, you may contact the church office at (760)729-6272.